Special Issue on Multiple-Valued Logic and Applications in Journal of Applied Logics (JALs)
The Journal of Applied Logics (JALs-ifCoLog) will publish a special issue on Multiple-Valued Logic and Applications. You are invited to submit an article on any subject in the area of multiple-valued logic, including but not limited to the following areas of interests:
- Circuit/Device Implementation
- Multi-bit per Cell Logic & Memory
- Multiple-Valued Decision Diagrams
- MVL Aspects of Nanotechnology
- Quantum Computing
- System-on-Chip Technology
- Test and Verification
- VLSI Architecture and Computing
- Brain Scale Integration Circuits and Computing
- Reversible, Stochastic Computing
- Application of MVL to Medical Technologies, Robotics, Machine Learning
- Spectral Techniques
- Algebra and Formal Aspects
- MVL approaches to Data Mining and Big Data
Articles and topics should be addressed primarily to the diverse readership of JALs-ifCoLog. Unpublished and original work is However extended articles from the IEEE ISMVL 2020 can be submitted as well. Articles should target novel and emerging end-applications of multiple-valued logic. Authors should submit papers by using the guidelines and template that can be found at and sending pdf files directly to,, Each manuscript should follow Guidelines in the guide for authors and use the Latex Template. This special issue will follow the schedule below:
- August 25, 2020: Due date for papers
- October 1, 2020: First notification to authors
- October 15, 2020: Due date for revisions
- November 1, 2020: Final notification
- November 15, 2019: Final manuscript due
- December 2020: Special issue publication date
For additional information, please contact members of the editorial team:
Corresponding Guest Editors:
Prof. Martin Lukac | Prof. Yasushi Yuminaka | Dr. Kaitlin N. Smith |
CQE/IBM Postdoctoral Scholar | ||
Department of Computer Science | Graduate School of Science and Technology | EPiQC - Computer Science |
Nazarbayev University | Gunma University | University of Chicago |
Kabanbay Batyr 53/6321, Nur-sultan, 010000, Kazakhstan | Kiryu, 376-8515, Japan | 5730 S. Ellis Ave., Chicago, IL 60637 | | | |
+7 7171 69 4667 | +81 277 30 1790 | |